Linux task, process, thread-202301071513
# Linux task, process, thread-202301071513
# Summary
Definition of thread, process and task in Linux
# Notes
# Definition of process
Process Includes:
Code Section
Data Section
OS Resources (e.g. files)
$$Code Section+Data Section = Memory$$ $$Memory = (text segment + data segment + heap segment)$$
# PCB (Process Control Block)
A PCB is the way how operating system handle process. The PCB is a form created by OS for record the status of process. When switch to different process, the status will be keep in the PCB and recover from the latest status when switch back.
# Process switch called Context Switch
, when will Context Switch happen?
- External Interrupt ( Emit by components exclude CPU: I/O interrupt、 Timers)
- Internal Interrupt ( Emit by CPU: stack overflow、divided by zero …)
- Software Interrupt (e.g. System Call: user mode switch to kernel mode)
# Definition of thread(Light weight process)
A minimum unit for CPU Scheduling, can not exist alone. Must exist in the process.
A thread includes:
Register Set
Program Counter
The threads share below resource in a single process:
Code Section
Data Section
OS Resources
A process at least has one thread A process can have multiple threads
Process is the object that the OS allocates resources Thread is the object that OS allocates CPU times
# Kernel-level and user-level thread
User level thread is managed by the user-level library to handle Thread Context Switch
, which only process in user-level so that kernel will never know it exists and never target System Call
Kernel level thread is managed by OS. The Thread Context Switch
costs lower that Process context switch
because it doesn’t need address space
. Specialized for System Call
# Inside Linux
The Linux doesn’t have the clearly concept of process and thread; however; the concept inside Linux called Task
. The task_struct
, which is also be called process descriptor
, is the data structure to implement Task.
If two task share one mm_struct
, they are called Thead
mm_struct is also called Memory descriptor
which describes the virtual address space for this process.
Inside mm_struct
, there is a start_stack
, which is the start address of user stack
, provides the store space for the processing in the User mode. If it is a Thread, because parent share the mm_struct
, it will found another space in heap
or mmap
for Thread to avoid affect the stack in mm_struct
No matter how to create user stack
, it will initiate task_struct->thread->sp to store the user stack’s message.
So if we create a process/thread (task_struct), we will get two stacks:
user stack
:- Build on address space(mm_struct), to use process(mm_struct’s stack) or Thread(mm_struct’s heap/mmap) in user mode.
kernel stack
:- Build on kernel address space, use task_struct point to stack(thread_info) in kernel mode.
kernel address space
: The memory space share between all kernel stack
: Inside struct thread_union and relate to context switch